at the CNIO

Tag: p38δ (Page 2 of 6)

Predoctoral contract in metabolism

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate, who would like to start a scientific career doing their doctoral thesis working in understanding p38 kinases role in how the communiation between organs affect the metabolic. This work will be supervised by Dr. Guadalupe Sabio.

We offer incorporation to CNIC via an FPU predoctoral contract. Interested candidates will need to apply before 19 September 2023 in the following CNIC website:

METABOkines: Comunicación celular en el metabolismo: Implicación de la vía de las p38s.



  • This call is open to applicants from all nationalities  holding a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences.
  • An excellent academic record and previous research experience during their undergraduate period will be valued very positively.
  • Authorship of publicacions in indexed journal will be valued very positively.
  • Candidates must have a solid working knowledge of English.

Cintia Folgueira, premiada por la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología

La investigadora lucense Cintia Folgueira Cobos, que desarrolla su actividad en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), fue premiada con el galardón de jóvenes investigadores de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición.

Cintia Folgueira (izq.) recogiendo el premio por evaluar el papel metabólico de la proteína quinasa p38delta en el hígado.

MKK6 deficiency promotes cardiac dysfunction through MKK3-p38γ/δ-mTOR hyperactivation

Rafael Romero-Becerra, Alfonso Mora, Elisa Manieri, Ivana Nikolic, Ayelén Melina Santamans, Valle Montalvo-Romeral, Francisco Miguel Cruz, Elena Rodríguez, Marta León, Luis Leiva-Vega, Laura Sanz, Víctor Bondía, David Filgueiras-Rama, Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero, José Jalife, Barbara Gonzalez-Teran & Guadalupe Sabio.

Stress-activated p38 kinases control a plethora of functions, and their dysregulation has been linked to the development of steatosis, obesity, immune disorders, and cancer. Therefore, they have been identified as potential targets for novel therapeutic strategies. There are four p38 family members (p38α, p38β, p38γ, and p38δ) that are activated by MKK3 and MKK6.

Cardiac hypertrophy under the microscope.
Cardiac hypertrophy in a heart lacking MKK6 (Image: Bárbara González-Terán).

Here, we demonstrate that lack of MKK6 reduces the lifespan in mice. Longitudinal study of cardiac function in MKK6 KO mice showed that young mice develop cardiac hypertrophy which progresses to cardiac dilatation and fibrosis with age. Mechanistically, lack of MKK6 blunts p38α activation while causing MKK3-p38γ/δ hyperphosphorylation and increased mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling, resulting in cardiac hypertrophy. Cardiac hypertrophy in MKK6 KO mice is reverted by knocking out either p38γ or p38δ or by inhibiting the mTOR pathway with rapamycin.

In conclusion, we have identified a key role for the MKK3/6-p38γ/δ pathway in the development of cardiac hypertrophy, which has important implications for the clinical use of p38α inhibitors in the long-term treatment since they might result in cardiotoxicity.

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