at the CNIO

Tag: brown adipose tissue (Page 3 of 7)

Guadalupe Sabio defiende en la UCLM el papel de la grasa como órgano endocrino

La investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) Guadalupe Sabio Buzo ha visitado este lunes la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) para ofrecer la charla ‘Lo que la grasa esconde’ en el marco de la celebración institucional del Día Internacional de la Mujer y de la Niña en la Ciencia.

En su intervención ante estudiantes y profesores del campus toledano, explicó qué hace la grasa y cuál es su relación con enfermedades como el cáncer hepático y la diabetes y subrayó su papel como un órgano endocrino más.

[leer más en Noticias UCLM]

Guadalupe Sabio acompañada por el vicerrector de Investigación y Política Científica, Julián Garde (Foto: Gabinete de comunicación de la UCLM).

Lo que la grasa esconde (18 February 2019)

As part of the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Guadalupe Sabio is talking on 18 February 2019 at the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha in Toledo about the endocrine role of adipose tissue.

Lo que la grasa esconde

Guadalupe Sabio presentada antes de la conferencia Lo que la grasa esconde (Foto: Gabinete de comunicación de la UCLM).

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p107 deficiency increases energy expenditure by inducing brown‐fat thermogenesis and browning of white adipose tissue

Juan Cunarro, Xabier Buque, Sabela Casado, Javier Lugilde, Anxo Vidal, Alfonso Mora, Guadalupe Sabio, Rubén Nogueiras, Patricia Aspichueta, Carlos Diéguez & Sulay Tovar.

The tumor suppressor p107, a pocket protein member of the retinoblastoma susceptibility protein family, plays an important role in the cell cycle and cellular adipocyte differentiation. Nonetheless, the mechanism by which it influences whole body energy homeostasis is unknown.

p107 during adipocyte differentiation

p107 is underexpressed in the stromal fraction (time 0) with the expression increasing during adipocyte differentiation (Image: Alfonso Mora).

The phenotype of p107 knockout (KO) mixed‐background C57BL6/129 mice phenotype is studied by focusing on the involvement of white and brown adipose tissue (WAT and BAT) in energy metabolism. It is shown that p107 KO mice are leaner and have high‐fat diet resistence. This phenomenon is explained by an increase of energy expenditure. The higher energy expenditure is caused by the activation of thermogenesis and may be mediated by both BAT and the browning of WAT. Consequently, it leads to the resistance of p107 KO mice to high‐fat diet effects, prevention of liver steatosis, and improvement of the lipid profile and glucose homeostasis.

These data allowed the unmasking of a mechanism by which a KO of p107 prevents diet‐induced obesity by increasing energy expenditure via increased thermogenesis in BAT and browning of WAT, indicating the relevance of p107 as a modulator of metabolic activity of both brown and white adipocytes. Therefore, it can be targeted for the development of new therapies to ameliorate the metabolic syndrome.

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